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Highlights include titles like OK Golf, QR/Barcode Scanner PRO, Screenshot Pro – Automatic trimming, Travel Tracker Pro, and more. Google’s Password Manager is an ecosystem-wide service for users of Google Chrome and Android. Password Manager saves the credentials you use most and helps you log in easily while on Google Chrome. This guide takes a look at whether Password Manager is safe, walks you through how to use the feature, and highlights unique aspects of the service.

The June Core Update reportedly rolled out from June 2-12, peaking in MozCast at a temperature of 107.3°F on June 3rd. The Moz Story Moz was the first & remains the most trusted SEO company. SEO Learning Center Broaden your knowledge with SEO resources for all skill levels.

Google confirmed a “core” update on March 7th, but volatility spiked as early as March 4th, with a second spike on March 8th, and continued for almost two weeks. This may have been multiple updates or one prolonged, rolling update. The “Brackets” name was coined by Glenn Gabe; no details were provided by Google.

Webmaster should begin to see notifications within Google Search Console. Six months after announcing it, Google rolled out the mobile page speed update, making page speed a ranking factor for mobile results. Google claimed that this only affected the slowest mobile sites, and there was no evidence of major mobile rankings shifts. Tracking tools and webmaster chatter indicated heavy algorithm flux, and MozCast spiked to 109.7°F. MozCast hit 103.1°F, and webmaster chatter and other tracking tools indicated high algorithm flux. Google confirmed a “core” update, stating it was the third major core update since they began using that label.

Google added Knowledge Graph functionality to non-English queries, including Spanish, French, German, Portuguese, Japanese, Russian, and Italian. This update was “more than just translation” and added enhanced KG capabilities. MozCast tracked a large Friday spike (105° F), with other sources showing significant activity over the weekend. As predicted by Matt Cutts at Pubcon Las Vegas, authorship mark-up disappeared from roughly 15% of queries over a period of about a month. The fall bottomed out around December 19th, but the numbers remain volatile and have not recovered to earlier highs.

MozCast confirmed unusually high SERP flux from May , but it’s unclear if this was directly related to the bugs. Google pre-announced a “site diversity” update, claiming it would improve situations where sites had more than two organic listings. Moz data showed that, while the update did marginally improve SERPs with 3-5 duplicate sites on page one, the impact was relatively small. The update measured at 97°F on MozCast and seemed to impact sites affected by previous core updates. SERP trackers registered multiple days of ranking flux, with MozCast showing early signs on October 2 and peaking at 98°F on October 4. Multiple tools registered very high ranking flux for a few days (MozCast peaked at 116° on February 7th).

Google’s broad product portfolio and size make it one of the top four influential companies in the high-tech marketplace, along with Apple, IBM, and Microsoft. Despite this myriad of products, its original search tool remains the core of its success. In 2016 Alphabet earned nearly all of its revenue from Google advertising based on users’ search requests. Responsible growth means looking beyond the demands of our industry, to consider how our work impacts the cities, sites, and countries where we operate.

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